Are you overdue for a dental appointment? Or have you recently noticed gum or tooth pain? When individuals ignore their oral health, minor disorders could exacerbate into serious dental emergencies. What should you do if you or a loved one needs urgent dental care?
Common Dental Emergencies:
In general, dental crises can leave patients in a great deal of pain and discomfort, and they might need rapid help to get any symptoms under control.
In many cases, some common dental emergencies include:
- Unusual pain and bleeding following tooth removal
- Broken, chipped, or cracked teeth
- Infections of the gums or teeth
- A missing crown or filling
- Abscesses
- Unusual pain and bleeding following tooth removal
While some dental emergencies occur as a result of routine activities like sports or jobs that require hard labour, individuals can avoid others by maintaining good oral hygiene.
Dental Emergencies in Guildford, Surrey
Patients have a few options for taking care of their teeth based on the type of emergency. But first and foremost, speaking with our emergency dental care team in Guildford, Surrey can be quite beneficial. At Woodbridge Hill Dental Clinic, we provide a range of services to our patients, including emergency dental care. Our staff can offer support and guidance over the phone if you or someone you know finds themselves in a dental emergency.
Tips for Handling Dental Emergencies
Before seeking professional assistance, patients can remedy their symptoms in a number of ways. Several choices consist of:
- Reinserting a knocked-out tooth or placing it in a bag with milk or a saline solution
- Putting gauze pads on wounds on cheeks, lips or other facial tissues
- rinsing your mouth with salt-water mixture that is lukewarm
- Apply cold compresses to relieve discomfort
- Pain-medication (please consult a doctor before taking any medications)
Contact Our Dental Practice in Guildford, Surrey
Any of our patients are welcome to get in touch with us if they experience a dental emergency. By seeking assistance as soon as you can, you can prolong the life of your dental health and keep your smile for years to come.
📍 49A Woodbridge Hill, Guildford GU2 9ZD
📞 01483 568584